Imagine: It’s the beginning of 2018. Cogniom was a new born baby yet to find it’s name. The idea and passion were strong though and Robert was determined to not let the idea be a fleeting one.

Cue: The Queensland Biomedical Launchpad. A Queensland Government initiative working with the CSIRO’s innovation program ON – and it was:

9 weeks. 60 Days. 8 teams. Unlimited potential.

The program, which is designed specifically for Queensland based biomedical start-ups, was an accelerator program with the aim of helping entrepreneurs understand their market, validate and refine their product idea, and to work with advisors to receive insight and guidance on getting to market.
Each team was assigned a mentor who were tasked with identifying Cogniom’s goals, helping overcome roadblocks, and providing a wealth of information when it came to start-up strategies and the industry. Through extensive interviews and research, we discovered our ‘Value Propositions’ and ‘Business Model’ with our target customers.

We investigated. We studied. We identified problems and who the core market was. We checked assumptions and pivoted to new and better ideas.  We absorbed all the information, advice, and data we could.

Fast forward 9 weeks later, and we have worked hard to lay the foundations of the business we know today.

Our new born business baby finally has a name:

Stemming from ‘Cognition’ (the act of acquiring knowledge) and ‘Axiom’ (defining a fact that is self-evidently true), Cogniom’s mission is to discover new truths that lead to better technologies and solutions.  Observing problems leads to discovering a core, fundamental truth that can be used to develop massive improvements in the lives of others.

We know our mission. We know our goals. We have a problem defined and a solution at the ready. We are ready.  Next up, pitching our idea to a panel of experts.

I’m not nervous. You’re nervous.

Imagine: It’s June 18th. The program is complete, the research is done and it’s time to put the pens down and pick the microphone up. You’re first in line, standing in an auditorium at RiverCity Labs presenting your business pitch to a room of nearly 100 experts, advisors, potential investors and peers. Welcome to Robert’s moment in the spotlight:

CUE: The MedWatch
Designed with nurses in mind, with the aim of refining processes, streamlining tasks and significantly reducing the risk of errors. Furthermore, it enables nurses to spend more time with those who matter most on the ward. Patients. It encourages a higher rate of job satisfaction with hospitals seeing a huge benefit with staff retention, better patient outcomes, and a healthier bottom line with the reduction in cost of errors.


Monday, 18th June 2018 went down in Cogniom history as the moment we won our very first pitch competition and set a precedence for what is yet to come. This is the moment that validated our unshakable belief that we can and will make a difference.

If your curiosity is peaked, if you’d like to know more about Cogniom, MedWatch, how we can work with you or how you can get involved, jump on our website and talk to one of the Cogniom Team.

Thank you for continuing to join us on our journey.

Until next time!